Access to all the posts in this series: Serving
and Sharing: Jeremiah & Lamentations
Jeremiah – Course of Study
Jer 1-6 Jeremiah’s Call & Judah’s Condemnation
Jer 7-10 False Worship & Divine Wrath
Jer 11-15 Broken Promises & Shattered Pride
Jer 16-17 Idolatrous Ways & Deceitful Hearts
Jer 18-20 The Potter, the Pot, & the Prophet
Jer 21-24 False Shepherds & Scattered Sheep
Jer 25-33 Deserved Destruction & Divine Deliverance
Jer 34-35 Broken Covenants & Defiant Disobedience
Jer 36-38 Burned Prophecies & Bold Preaching
Jer 39-45 Jerusalem’s Fall & Captives’ Flight
Jer 46-52 Nations’ Judgment & Judah’s Exile
Jer 1-6 Jeremiah’s Call & Judah’s Condemnation
Jer 1 Revelation: God
Calls His Prophet.
1:1-3 Panorama: from the Priests, to the Kings, Until the Exile
1:4-5 Purpose: Foreknown, Formed, Consecrated, Appointed
1:6 Pushback: Lack of Experience and Maturity
1:7-8 Promise: Not Your Condition, but My Presence
1:9-10 Promotion: The LORD’s Empowering Touch and Word
1:11-12 Pole: Almond Tree (saqed): God Watching (soqed)
1:13-16 Pot Boiling: God’s Hot Wrath from the North (Babylon)
1:17 Prod: Gird up Your Loins! Tell Them What I’ve Told You!
1:18-19 Potential: Fortified City, Pillar of Iron, Walls of Bronze
Jer 2 Rebellion: God
Calls Out Judah’s Sins.
2:1-8 An unfaithful wife
2:9-13 Broken cisterns
2:14-19 A plundered slave
2:20 A stubborn animal
2:21 A degenerate vine
2:22 A defiled body
2:23-25 An animal in the desert
2:26-28 A disgraced thief
2:29-35 Incorrigible children
2:36-37 Prisoners of war
Jer 3 Repentance: God
Pleads for Their Return.
3:1-5 The Possibility of Repentance
3:6-10 The Need for Repentance
3:11-14 The Call for Repentance
3:15-18 The Blessings of Repentance
3:19-25 The Plan of Repentance
Jer 4 Rebuke: God
Warns of Coming Judgment.
4:1-4 Return! Cultivate Your Soil! Circumcise Your Hearts!
4:5-13 Sound the Alarm! You Will Be Blown Away!
4:14-18 Wash Your Heart! Your Own Rebellion is the Cause!
4:19-22 Jeremiah’s Anguish and God’s Answer
4:23-29 Desolation, but not Complete Destruction
4:30-31 Despair, as of Unwanted Harlots Dying in Childbirth
Jer 5 Rationale: God
Cites the Charges.
5:1-6 Moral corruption
5:7-9 Sexual impurity
5:10-18 Treacherous unbelief
5:19-24 Religious apostasy
5:25-29 Social injustice
5:30-31 Corrupt leadership
Jer 6 Retribution: God
Sends Destruction.
6:1-5 God declares war.
6:6-15 God directs the attack.
6:16-23 God delivers the verdict.
6:24-30 God describes the consequences.