Being “shrewd as serpents” (Matt 10:16) involves both prayerful and careful
effort in doing the work of the Lord’s church. In order to “grow up into our
Head” with the “proper working of each individual part” (Eph 4:15f), we must
plan the work and then work the plan.
Our friend and former colleague, Dr. Michael Jackson, is the Vice
President of Academics at Heritage Christian University. Prior to that, he
served there at HCU as the Director of Institutional Effectiveness. In that
role he superbly assisted every department head in the planning and assessment
of its work. Using a six-step paradigm, he helped leaders draw a map and then
follow it. Eureka! This system, at least in principle, could be adapted to
benefit the mission and the work of the local church.
The first step is to define the “Purpose.” Here we would state the function
of the church, “to save the lost and secure the saved,” or “to evangelize,
educate, and edify.” We could then add the specific mission of any ministry,
such as our educational program: “To teach the Word of God clearly and
accurately, so that all may know Him and do His will.”
The second step is to list the “Strategic Goals.” These might include
biblical concepts, texts, classes, opportunities, and applications which the
Bible school aims to provide.
The third step notes “Objectives – Means of Assessment and Criteria for
Success.” These are specific, measurable, achievable, time-bound benchmarks
that will mark progress. They could include grade-level review quizzes, service
projects, student essays, etc.
The fourth step lists the “Assessment Results.” What did the tests,
activities, or other instruments indicate? Did the students make the intended
score, or exhibit the desired mastery of the concept, or accomplish the
pre-selected level of success?
The fifth step states the “Use of Results.” Based on the outcomes in
step four, we reevaluate and reconstruct our objectives. If we reached them, we
move on to new horizons. If not, we stick with them, diagnose the failure, and
devise a better way to proceed.
The sixth step identifies the persons responsible, the due date, and the
budget impact. Who are the “go-to” leaders that will implement the updated
aims? By what date will they have completed the task? What resources will be
required and set aside?
This same, simple strategy can be applied to local evangelism,
benevolence, youth, the training of new elders, deacons, and teachers, etc.
This six-step cycle can be repeated over and over and over again until the job
is done. The Lord’s work is not complicated, but it does require big-picture
thinking and nuts-and-bolts participation.
The gospel has the power to save, but God has given us useful tools to
spread that gospel. Let’s put them to work!
Cory Collins
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