Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Always Near - Listening for Lessons From God

My very fine friend and former colleague, Dr. Bill Bagents, has written an excellent new book entitled, Always Near: Listening for Lessons From God. Published by our friends at Heritage Christian University, it's a collection of Bill's articles that I believe will help each reader draw closer to the Lord. I was pleased and honored to write the foreword. I hope you'll take a look at Always Near. You'll be glad you did.
May 2019. Cypress Publications. 264 pages. $19.99.
Look below the book promo for a link to several of Bill’s fine articles.
Always Near shares one self-confessed odd Christian’s ongoing efforts to hear and honor God in the events of daily life. Bagents offers personal reflections that process events and observations through the wisdom of Scripture. He invites us to join the adventure of listening for subtle spiritual messages that both bless and challenge.
Always Near promotes contemplation and spiritual formation. Occasionally, you’ll even find a bit of humor.
Bagents writes from a decidedly Christian perspective and treats the Bible with respect. These devotionals flow from the conviction that God is all-wise and all-loving, and the better we hear Him, the better we’ll live.
God is presented as the most persistent teacher, who has more ways of gaining our attention than we have of ignoring Him. Bagents acknowledges that God is more skilled at reaching out than we are at resisting. He is better at teaching than we are at being dense. And even when we’re seeking Him, God can surprise us with precious lessons that we never saw coming. Always Near is an appeal to improve how we hear God and to draw ever closer to His heart.
You'll also enjoy these articles from Bill that I have posted.

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