Wednesday, May 09, 2018

My Child Wants to Be Baptized!

“At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized.” Acts 16:33
“Daddy and Mommy, I want to be baptized!” From the time even before they are born, these are the words that we pray we will hear from our children. However, we also want to be sure that they have a genuine faith and a clear understanding of the gospel before they take this step, the most important of their lives. We are concerned about their age, their maturity, and their motivation. Has your child asked you this question? How can you be sure that your son or daughter is ready?
Listed below are some thoughts to express and some questions to ask your child. If your son or daughter will write down his or her answers to these questions, the written answers will help prevent later doubts (yours and theirs) about their purpose and level of understanding at the time.
“I am so proud of you for wanting to follow Jesus! Before you are baptized, could we spend some time studying about what it means to be a Christian? We can talk about what we need to know and believe. We can read important Scriptures together and discuss your questions. Then, whenever we finish our study, you may be baptized into Christ.”
“Why do you want to be baptized? Why now? How long have you been considering this, and what started you to thinking about it?”
“Would you be willing to wait a few weeks?” If the child agrees to wait, perhaps he or she is not ready and does not yet understand the urgency of the matter. Read Acts 8:26-40.
“Are you aware of sin in your own life? What is sin? Do you think you are lost? Are you under conviction? Does your conscience bother you?” Read Romans 1:29-31.
“What part does Jesus Christ play in our salvation?” Read Romans 3:21-31. Many children think they must be perfect to be saved. We must emphasize the finished saving work of Jesus on the cross and the importance of faith in His grace.
“What do you think will happen to you if you are not baptized? Why?”
“Is it hard or easy to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Why? Are you prepared to surrender your life and all your future decisions to His will and purpose for you? What if there is a conflict between what Jesus says and what others say (or what your friends say or do)?” Read Luke 14:25-35.
“Are you willing to repent, to change your life? Are there any sins that you are not willing to give up?” Read Acts 2:38 and Romans 6.
“What will you do after you are baptized to show your gratitude and love for the Lord? How will you grow in Bible study? In worship? In telling others about Christ?”
So, You Want to Be Baptized!
I am so proud of you for wanting to follow Jesus! Before you are baptized, let’s spend some time studying about what it means to be a Christian. We can talk about what we need to know and believe. We can read important Scriptures together and discuss your questions.
What is baptism? What specific Scriptures explain baptism?
Why do you want to be baptized? Why now?
How long have you been considering this, and what started you to thinking about it?
What do you think will happen if you are not baptized? Why?
What is the meaning of sin?
Can you name specific sins in your own life?
Do you think you are lost? Why or why not? What does it mean to be lost?
What has Jesus Christ done to save us?
What do you think will happen to you if you are not baptized right away? Why?
What is a disciple? Is it hard or easy to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Why?
What does it mean to repent of sin, to deny yourself, and to take up your cross?
Are you prepared to surrender your life and all your future decisions to Jesus as Lord?
What will you do if there is a conflict between what Jesus says and what others say?
What will you do after you are baptized to grow as a disciple of Christ?
Who will baptize you? How can that person best help you to develop and mature?
What will you do if there is a conflict between church services and other activities?
Are you ready to sit and listen attentively to sermons and Bible lessons, as adults do, without needing something else to do during Bible class and worship?

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