Saturday, January 26, 2019

Joshua 10a Defeat of the Amorites

In a magnificently executed plan, Joshua moved westward through the midsection of the Promised Land, cutting off the north from the south. Then he moved southward in rapid deployment of his resources. After defeating the kings of the south, he then moved northward. It was a superb military strategy.
Image: hail in Colorado.
10:1-5  Five Amorite Kings Attack Gibeon.
Adoni-zedek = “Lord of righteousness.”
Reports go from bad (defeat of Ai and Jericho and their kings) to worse (defection of Gibeon).
What to do? Form alliance. Punish the defectors. Prevent them from further strengthening Israel.
Enemies unite when facing a common foe.
Their response confirms … reason … their defeat.
Failed to assess the threat: Israel, esp. Yahweh.
What would you do if facing an enemy attack?
If we respond to a crisis in fear … in faith …
10:6-9  Israel Answers Gibeon’s Plea.
Not easy! Traveled about 20 mi., climbing from 1300 ft. below sea level to almost 3000 ft. above sea level, in 8-10 hours, in darkness.
Why might Joshua have refused to help them?
When have you rashly given your word to someone and quickly regretted it, after you found out that it cost more than you expected?
Why must we keep our word when it’s difficult?
Ps 15:4 “He swears to his own hurt …”
Matt 5:33-37 Yes means yes, no means no.
10:10-15  God Sends Hail, Stops the Sun.
Canaanite gods controlled the weather. Really?
What’s the worst hail storm you have seen?
Do you wish there were more hours in a day … so that you could keep gaining spiritual ground?
To our eyes, the sun rises and sets. So the Bible.
Galileo, 17th cent., branded as heretic. Why?
God stopped the sun from “going down.” Halted earth’s rotation or froze the entire solar system.
Jashar – songs of war. 2 Sam 1:18-27
Have NASA scientists found the “missing day?”
10:16-21 Kings Trapped, People Destroyed.
Numerous caves in Canaan’s western foothills.
“Fight or flight.” When the going gets tough …
A cave seems so inviting, so safe, but …
Imagine their fear as the cave was sealed.
“No atheists in foxholes.”
No mention of Israelite casualties.
Remaining Canaanite enemies silenced.
Rev 6:14-17 Hiding in caves from God’s wrath.
10:22-28  Kings Killed and Hung.
Foretaste of the ultimate Day of Judgment.
The wicked, already captured, are brought out.
The righteous are shown to be victorious.
Humiliating display: officers’ feet on kings’ necks.
Officers recognized for their leadership.
Joshua’s challenge based on this experience.
Public disgrace: hanging the kings on five trees.
Buried in same cave. Sealed. Rocks “to this day.”
Another reminder for future generations.

1 comment:

Jar115 said...

Cory, I will use some verses from Joshua 10 in my devotional tonight on Psalm 110. It's interesting that I had this reference in mind and then read your blog. I am excited about following your thoughts on-line. Your format makes it very easy to read and challenging to study. I like the brevity and the questions that are not answered. God bless, Tony