Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Isaiah 1-5 The LORD Judges Judah

Click on the "Isaiah" label for other posts in this series.
Isaiah 1
1:1-9 Rebuke of Judah’s Sin
1 Judah’s king list = time frame. 740-701 BC.
2 “Covenant lawsuit.” Heaven, earth – witnesses.
3 Compare God’s sons to oxen & donkeys. How?
In what sense did they not “know” the LORD?
4 When people sin, they also …
In what order? How are these factors related?
5-6 In what ways is sin like sickness?
7-8 How had sin affected the Promised Land?
9 Was Judah as bad as Sodom & Gomorrah?
1:10-15 Rejection of Judah’s Worship
It’s always good to worship God, right?
What specific acts did God command Israel?
Sacrifices, holy days, assemblies, & prayers.
Religious acts please the LORD when …
Religious acts disgust the LORD when …
How can we apply this to ourselves?
How can be sure that God accepts our worship?
Note He 12:28-29.
1:16-20 Requirement of Judah’s Repentance
Sin destroys internally, externally, & eternally.
Judah is sin-sick, worthy of Sodom’s end.
So … is Judah past the point of no return?
Has God predetermined Judah’s destiny?
What can and must Judah do to reverse course?
Discuss God’s invitation to Judah to reason.
Did God offer Judah true forgiveness?
Choice: consent and obey --- or refuse and rebel.
Result: eat the land’s best --- or be devoured.
1:21-31 Redemption of Judah’s Future
21-23 Just how far had Judah fallen into sin?
Harlotry. Murder. Theft. Bribery. Injustice.
How could the “saved” have turned to such evil?
Does the NT warn us of such? See Jas 4:1-10.
24-26 How would the LORD purify His people?
27-31 He would save Judah, not from judgment, but through judgment. He would destroy the wicked but spare & restore the faithful remnant.
Isaiah 2
2:1-5 The Mountain of the LORD
1 Title repeated. Isa 1 was the introduction.
2 “In the last days” = Messianic Age.
Mount Zion. Jerusalem. Pentecost. All nations.
Fulfillment of promise to Abraham. Gen 12:1-3
To the extent that all nations obey the gospel and follow the Christ, there is and will be peace.
5 In light of that future, obey the LORD now.
2:6-22 The Day of the LORD
6 Divination, foreign alliances.
7 Material wealth, military strength, dependence.
8 Idolatry worship of man-made objects as gods.
9 Past the point of forgiveness – judgment.
Hiding from the terror, majesty of the LORD.
Humbling the proud. Bringing high things down.
All that opposes God, destroyed. Idols to vanish.
God’s judgment then foreshadowed His final judgment at the end of time. Rev 6:15
Isaiah 3
3:1-15 Removal of Leaders
1 Removal of staples: bread and water.
2-3 Of leaders: military, political, religious.
4 Replacement by children.
5 Youth vs. elders. Inferior vs. Honorable.
6-7 Refusal of others to lead.
12 O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray And confuse the direction of your paths.
3:16-4:1 Denunciation of Women
Proud. Seductive. Mincing steps. Showy.
Covered with outward adornment.
Decorated. Elaborate. Impressive.
24 How would the LORD judge these women?
What can we learn from all this?
1 Ti 2:9-10; 1 Pe 3:3-4
4:1 With the shortage of men due to war, the women would become desperately vulnerable.
Isaiah 4
4:2-6 A Glorious Branch
Sudden shift from judgment to hope, similar to the message of 2:1-4.
The LORD would save the faithful through the “branch,” referring ultimately to the Messiah.
4 Purging first, by judgment and fire.
5 God again to lead Israel by cloud and by fire.
6 Protection from heat, storm, and rain.
Isaiah 5
5:1-7 The Vineyard Song
Owner = the LORD. Vineyard = Judah.
Careful preparation and cultivation.
Instead of good grapes, worthless ones.
“People of Judah, you be the judge!”
7 Wordplay: injustice (Hb mispach), not justice (Hb mishpat); cries of despair (Hb tse’aqah), not righteousness (Hb tsedaqah).
Who quoted this text in the NT and why?
Mk 12:1-12
5:8-30 Woe! Woe! Woe!
8-10 Greed for more real estate.
11-12 Thirst for alcohol – beer and wine.
18-19 Cynicism re: the LORD’s coming judgment.
20 Reversal (redefining) of good and evil.
21 Elevation of human wisdom. Narcissicism.
22-23 Heroism in drinking; bribery, injustice.
Therefore …
24-25 The LORD’s fiery, holy anger.
26-28 Invading armies (Assyria, Babylon).

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