Saturday, August 11, 2018

11 Life in the Desert – Deut 12-26 – Specific Covenant Stipulations

In Deuteronomy 12-26 Moses continues to spell out, explain, and elaborate on the Ten Commandments by declaring the particular requirements of God’s covenant. Some sections repeat what we have already seen. Others expand those teachings further or reveal additional laws not yet stated. One writer in the College Press NIV Commentary notes, “Moses anticipated settlement in the Promised Land and therefore dealt with issues not found in earlier legislation. The intention was to apply the broad principles of the Ten Commandments to everyday life in the land. Because of this focus Deuteronomy had a continuing relevance for the people of Israel, and each new generation could hear it afresh. It is because of this nature of the material that it lends itself to reflection and meaning for God's people through the ages.”
Deut 12 Proper Worship
12:1-4 Destruction of Canaanite Idols
12:5-14 Holy Offerings at the Chosen Place
Eventually God will say, “Jerusalem. The Temple.”
To prohibit pagan places and acts of worship.
12:15-28 “Non-Holy” Meat at Any Place
Israelites could eat regular meat anywhere, but not the animal’s blood.
12:29-32 Rejection of Canaanite Religion
“Beware that you are not ensnared.”
Deut 13 Threats of Idolatry
Three Cases:
13:1-5 A Prophet or Dreamer of Dreams
The sign may occur but the doctrine be false.
13:6-11 Your Relative, Spouse, or Best Friend
Do not yield, listen, pity, spare, or conceal him.
13:12-18 One of Your Cities Gone Astray
Destroy man and beast. Burn city and booty.
Deut 14 Foods and Tithes
14:1-21 Clean and Unclean Foods
No cutting or shaving (re: magic, polytheism).
Rationale for food distinctions: hygiene? Pagan practices? Economy? Obedience? Self-control?
14:22-29 Tithes
Note: they ate the tithe they brought.
14:28 Add’l tithe every 3 years for the landless
Inclusion of alien, fatherless, and widow.
Note further discussion in 26:12.
Deut 15 Sabbatical Year; Firstborn
God’s plan to relieve Israelites’ debt and poverty.
15:1-3 All debts of Israelites canceled in 7th year.
15:4-6 Ideally, none poor. Obedience, blessing.
15:7-11 Generosity, not stinginess, in need.
15:12-18 Kind provision for bondservants.
Released in 7th year, furnished liberally.
Remembering that you were slaves in Egypt.
So he may love you and want to stay.
15:19-23 Dedication of firstborn animals.
Deut 16 Annual Feasts; Judges
16:1-8 Passover (Unleavened Bread)
Abib – 1st (lunar) month, March/April
16:9-12 Weeks (Harvest, Pentecost)
16:13-15 Booths (Tabernacles, Ingathering)
16:16-17 Presence of All Males at Chosen Place
16:18-20 Judges and Equal Justice
16:21-22 No Asherah Images or Sacred Pillars
Deut 17 Just Administration
17:1-7 Trial and Execution of Idolaters
Only on the evidence of two or three witnesses.
“Purge the evil from your midst.”
17:8-13 Dealing with Difficult Cases
Homicides, lawsuits, and assaults
Central tribunal or “Supreme Court”
Execution of any who refuse the priest’s verdict
17:14-20 Choice and Qualities of the King
God provided for Israel’s king. Cf. 1 Sam 8-9.
Deut 18 Supernatural Guidance
18:1-8 Provision for Priests and Levites
Not having any land inheritance, they would be supported by the offerings of the people to God.
18:9-14 Prohibition of Spiritism
Divination, witchcraft, sorcery, omens, mediums.
Instead, God’s directions through His prophets.
18:15-22 Promise of the Coming Prophet(s)
In a partial sense, Joshua and others. 34:9-12
In the full sense, Jesus. Acts 3:22–24; 7:37
Deut 19 Protection of Life
19:1-13 Three More Cities of Refuge – West Side
To complement the three in the east. 4:41-43
Protects life. Clarifies, specifies “Do not kill.”
19:14 Protection of Land Boundaries
19:15-21 Witnesses and Justice
False witness would pay the penalty he sought.
Deut 20 Rules of Warfare
20:1-4 Courage in Battle Because of the LORD
20:5-9 Exemptions from Military Service
         New homeowners and vineyard owners
         Engaged men and fainthearted men
20:10-15 Treatment of Distant Cities
20:16-18 Treatment of Canaanite Cities
20:19-20 Treatment of Trees in the Land
Save fruit trees - food. Cut others for siegeworks.
Deut 21 If This Happens, Do Thus
21:1-9 Atonement for Unsolved Murders
21:10-14 Treatment of Captive Girls
Respect. Marriage. Time to mourn. Divorce, but.
21:15-17 Inheritance Rights of Firstborn Sons
Double portion, even if born to “unloved” wife.
21:18-21 Treatment of Rebellious Sons
Elders’ role. All stone. Purge evil. Deter others.
21:22-23 Proper Burial of Hanged Convicts
Capital punishment. Cf. Gal 3:13 – Christ, curse.
Deut 22 Morality in Daily Life
22:1-4 Care for Others’ Lost Animals, Property
22:5 Prohibition of Cross-Dressing
22:6-7 Preserving the Producers of Life (Birds)
22:8 Protecting Against Roof Falls (Parapets)
22:9-12 Laws of Separation
Two seeds, two animals, two fabrics. Why?
Tassels on Garments. Why?
Maintain God-given distinctions from the world?
22:13-21 Charges of Premarital Immorality
Virginity: blood-stained cloth from wedding night.
If false, man chastised, fined c. 2.5 lb. of silver.
If true, woman stoned. Purge the evil.
22:22-29 Adultery, Premarital Sex, Rape
Rape of engaged virgin: man alone dies.
Rape of non-engaged virgin: man fined, forced to marry for life, support, and protect the woman.
22:30 Incestuous Marriage – Stepmother
Deut 23 Cleanliness and Purity
23:1-8 Exclusion from the LORD’s Assembly
Due to pagan practices or acts against Israel.
23:9-14 Cleanliness in the LORD’s Camp
Nocturnal emissions, human excrement.
23:15-16 Protection of Escaped Slaves
23:17-18 Prohibition of Cult Prostitution
23:19-20 Prohibition of Lending with Interest
23:21-23 Completion of Vows Made to the LORD
23:24-25 Limited Food from Others’ Vineyards
Deut 24 Protection of the Weak
24:1-4 No Remarrying of One’s Divorced Spouse
Not endorsing divorce, but protecting women.
Yet Pharisees made it a “command.” Matt 19:7
24:5 No Military Service in 1st Year of Marriage
24:6 No Taking of One’s Livelihood in Pledge
24:7 No Kidnapping, Abuse, or Sale of Others
24:8-9 Obeying the Laws re: Leprosy
Deut 24 Protection of the Weak
24:10-13 Taking Collateral for a Loan
Respect his person, property. Return his cloak.
24:14-15 Paying a Hired Man
Give him his wage before sunset, lest you sin.
24:16 Punishing Only Personal (not Fathers’) Sin
Emphasis on justice, individual responsibility.
Children may suffer consequences, but not guilt.
24:17-22 Being Fair and Generous to the Poor
B/c God redeemed you from Egyptian slavery.
Deut 25 Respect and Responsibility
25:1-3 Limits on Punishment – Max 40 Stripes
Not to degrade the wicked man unnecessarily.
25:4 Fair Treatment of Animals – No Ox Muzzled
Cf. NT preachers, elders. 1 Cor 9:9; 1 Tim 5:18
25:5-10 Levirate (Brother-in-Law) Marriage
Man dies w/o child. Brother marries widow. First child continues the name of the dead man. If the brother refused he was to be publicly disgraced. Cf. Boaz’ marrying Ruth, redeeming the estate.
25:11-12 Prohibition of Unfair Fighting
A wife attacking her husband’s foe “below the belt” would have her hand cut off as her penalty.
25:13-16 Just Weights and Measures
25:17-19 Extermination of the Amalekites
Amalek – the grandson of Jacob’s brother Esau.
Attacked Israel’s weak stragglers. Ex 17:8-16
Deut 26 Offerings of Acknowledgement
26:1-11 Firstfruits: Best Produce of the New Land
B/c God blessed, heard, saved, led, brought us.
Giving – worship to God, shared with others.
26:12-15 Third-Year Tithe
Two great commands: love God; love neighbor.
So, tithes as generous gifts to the needy, poor.
26:16-19 Concluding Exhortation
Closes the covenant stipulations begun in 12:1.
Command. Agreement. Obedience. Blessing.

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