Wednesday, August 22, 2018

13 Life in the Desert – Deut 31-34 – Moses’ Last Days and Death

The final section of Deuteronomy brings the life and work of Moses to a dramatic climax. Arrangements are made for succession of leadership and the regular public reading of the Law. The song of Moses and the blessing of Moses lead to the death of Moses, who is buried by the LORD Himself after seeing the beauty and breadth of the Promised Land.
These are lesson notes, not written in a polished or finished manuscript form.  
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Deut 31 Moses’ Preparation
31:1-8 Joshua to Succeed Moses
Sihon and Og. “Be strong and courageous.”
31:9-13 Law to be Read
Moses – author. Every 7th year, Feast of Booths.
31:14-23 Israel to Disobey God and Suffer
Other gods. Penalty. Write this song as witness.
31:24-30 Law to Serve as Witness
Two tablets in the ark; entire Law beside it.
Deut 32 Moses’ Song
32:1-4 Praise of God’s Character – Faithful
Heavens and earth as audience.
32:5-6 Irony of Israel’s Response – Unfaithful
32:7-14 History of God’s Care
Gave all nations land. Chose Israel as His own.
32:15-18 Indictment of Israel’s (Jeshurun’s) Sin
Jeshurun = “Upright one,” used sarcastically.
Grew “fat and sassy,” made God angry, jealous.
Traded their Rock for strange gods. Forgot Him.
32:19-33 Consequences of Israel’s Sin
Reversal: God will make Israel jealous, angry.
Not fully destroy, lest enemies misunderstand.
32:34-43 Vindication of God’s Character
“Where are their gods? None can deliver them.”
32:44-47 Significance of Moses’ Song
“Take it to heart. It is your very life.”
32:48-52 Nearness of Moses’ Death
“You broke faith, did not treat Me as holy.”
Deut 33 Moses’ Blessing
33:1-5 Declaration of God’s Glory
Mt. Sinai. With 10,000’s. King of united tribes.
33:6-25 Blessing of Israel’s Tribes (cf. Gen 49)
Reduction of Reuben. Promotion of Judah. Approval of Levi at golden calf incident. Extended blessing of Joseph. Omission of Simeon, which was soon absorbed into Judah (Josh 19:9).
33:26-29 Uniqueness of God and His People
“Rides through the heavens.” “Everlasting arms.”
Deut 34 Moses’ Death
34:1-8 Moses’ Death and Burial
Last sight he saw: the Promised Land. Age 120, eye undimmed, vigor unabated. Buried by the LORD Himself. Mourned 30 days.
34:9 Joshua’s Role as Moses’ Successor
Full of the Spirit via Moses’ laying hands.
34:10-12 Moses’ Unique Stature and Influence
Joshua not the “prophet like Moses.”  Face-to-face. Signs, wonders. Power. That prophet – Jesus. Acts 3:22-24; Matt 17:1-13; Heb 3:1-6.

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